Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Jinotega Nicaragua Coffee

In Jinotega Nicaragua the elevation is about 1200 meters and the mountains bring a cool breeze for a steady cooler temperature than in lower regions.  You will need a windbreaker at night with the temperature dropping and the wind blowing.  The coffee plants are shielded by banana trees in order to provide shade from the sun and wind.  They complement each other perfectly.  The views are spectacular and the color of the plants are a deep rich green that is much greener than 95% of all plants you have seen before.  The steepness of the hills is unreal like out of a movie and farms have roads cut out in most of them for easy passage.  You will need a four wheel drive. Our van needed to be towed out several times.  The van was equipped with a front hook that made it easy to tow from.
One of our stops was at Kilimanjaro Coffee Farm.  This farm was around 500 acres and was well equipped to produce electricity on their own with a water wheel that was fed by a fresh water stream 2 miles from the spill chute.
The crew were excellent and their coffee was superb. We were able to sit and chat and ask many questions from the multi-generation farm owner Andres Altamirano of Finca Kilimanjaro. He knowledge  was extensive and he shared his success and his faults in the business. He served us lunch and we discussed the future of the coffee business and what direction he felt it was going.
We took a horseback ride around the farm and through a wooded trail that was fairly steep at times.  The horses were well trained and the Vaquero or "Cowboy" was very skilled.  We moved through the trials and were able to view the farm from horseback and it allowed us to see how far back the rows went.  The use of space was great and the protective banana trees were perfectly spaced and added a tight and professional feeling about it.

Loved the chicken!  Our friend Bence swam in the fresh water pond that had filled from the mountain stream.  He assured us the water was cold! They also had rooms that slept several on two sides that allowed customers or students to stay on the farm and learn the coffee farming aspects of the business.
If you would like to get in touch with Andres his contact information is below.

You can book a tour and or a room.

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