Saturday, April 6, 2013

   I receive emails and LinkedIn messages all the time from people looking to start businesses in Nicaragua  and other Central and South American countries.  If you are interested in producing a product or even moving your private label manufacturing operation to the area, feel free to contact me.  I have a private label manufacturing blog that you can follow for a more current up to date experience.  If you want to connect with me on LinkedIn, click here. 
If you are interested in reading more about manufacturing and labeling your private products click on my new blog here.  It does concentrate on consumable products however if you are looking to package anything and sell it, this blog can save you tons of money.  Not because of the guidance that I can give you, but from the millions of dollars I have spent on mistakes alone.  Don't waste your money until you have read how I wasted mine and the business lessons that I have learned the hard way.  Pay attention to others mistakes instead of their success and you will go far.  A wise old man told me that once and I didn't listen until I was much older and finally realized what it was he was trying to teach me.
Jeffrey Bernhard MBA