We are all familiar with Craigslist. Some of us can't get through the day without checking to see if someone has listed something that we are interested in. Many people use Craigslist to find parts for their cars or to purchase left over building supplies from builders who ordered too much product. This can be one of the most effective ways there is to buy things you need at a discount. Many people use these services to save money. This also helps everyone involved. Less waste and this creates a little extra money for the contractor who ordered too much product. Many people would love to use a service like this if it existed in other countries. Then we have Angie's list that is designed for women and they can leave articles or recommendations for contractors that they have liked in the past. This has helped propel many successful guys just by word of mouth. These business sites would do really well overseas in some of these countries where the population of people online continues to grow. A website set up like this in Spanish for the Central American countries would be fabulous and also provide jobs for those who are looking for work and are known to do a good job. A service could be set up there really cheap.
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